23 March 2015 - Vanuatu Donations
October 2014 - Southbank G20 Sign Ceremony

28 September 2014 - Memorial Bench
The memorial bench was completed with the assistance of
many of the regular shed participants. Timing was critical
- well done gents! Photos and captions tell the
remainder of the story.

20 September 2014 - Workshop Erected
The shed was erected commencing Thursday and
completed to lockup on Saturday. Certifier is
scheduled to inspect later this week. Ben Warner has been
the project manager and his commitment and efforts has
been instrumental as are a great number of members
that can take credit either directly or indirectly to get
this project to fruition. Well done gents!
5 Aug 2014 - Letter "N" Completed for Brisbane G20
Project Manager
Ben Warner led a large group of shed members in the
construction of the three meter 3D letter "N" as part of
the QMSA development of the the "BRISBANE" sign to be on
display on the riverbank for the G20 event. Our
contribution was transported to Qld Children's Week for a
decorated canvas
skin. The
completed sign will be on display
from 24 October to 16 November.
Alan Doyle and President Matt Stevenson stand proudly in
front of the completed
17 July 2014 - Planning Application Approved
after resolving a number of issues, referral to the state
planning office as our location is listed on the state
contaminated land register, and successfully appealing a
state planning condition, Redland City Council issued a
decision notice facilitating the next step in the building
4 April 2014 - Planning Application Submitted
planning application and fees were submitted to Redland
City Council. This completes the first step in the
formal process.
14 December 2013 - AHMS X'Mas Party
members and partners enjoyed a pleasant afternoon barbeque
in a prelude to the the Christmas festive season. Lindsay
and Wayne thank those that attended for the participation
and providing the various delicacies. In turn, we thank
Lindsay and Wayne for the organising, effort and great
time had by all! Incidentally, the door prize (the clock)
was won by El Presidente - Matt.
10 December 2013 - Equipment Repair Work
AHMS picked up a large number of bycycles, tricycles and
wheelchairs from the local bayside schools. These items
will be repaired during the school break ready for use by
disabled students at the start of school in the new year.
6 December 2013 - Santa Chair
Santa's Chair was built and used by RCC for the recent
Christmas celebrations at the annual Raby Bay venue.
21 November 2013 - Cluster Barbeque
Over fifty members from Bayside, Island, Redland Bay and Cleveland sheds joined us for a cluster barbeque. There was good exchange of ideas and camaraderie with more events anticipated in the future.17
November 2013 - RCC Grant Approval
Small Capital Grant Application submitted in August was
approved by the RCC. The AHMS now have conditional funding
of $10,000 for the purchase and construction of "workshop"
facility. Landowner and building approval must be obtained
prior to commencing any work.
8 October 2013 – Flag
Pole Refurbished
old flag pole was lowered, sanded, primed and painted. As
well the pulleys and robes were replaced and the pole
raised by the end of the day. See photos
section for visual appreciation.
16 September 2013 –
Councillors’ Small Grant Request Submitted
divisional Councillors’ Small Grant Request was prepared
and submitted with two quotes for a ventilation / dust
extraction equipment for the small projects area.
11 September 2013 –
First Public Meeting
we held our first public meeting in the “Shed”. The AHMS has
officially opened the premises at 38a Williams Street.
After much effort, plenty of ingenuity and lots of effort
and work, we finally obtained the Permit to Occupy from
the Redland City Council.
15 August 2013 – Small
Capital Grant Application Submitted
Small Capital Grant Application was submitted to the RCC
requesting $10,000 to assist with the purchase of a
dedicated heavy machinery workshop. The RCC will release
the outcome on 16 November.
25 February 2013 - Key
At 14:30, the Deputy Mayor,
Cr Allen Beard presented the Permit and Keys to the
Executive members of the AHMS on site.
The site is classified as a
“construction site” which means,
ONLY persons with a white card will be able to
enter the site. The site will be managed by our
Building Manager, Mr Mark Howkins a registered builder and
member of AHMS. He along with the building committee will
organise, labour, materials, and tradesmen as necessary.
22 February 2013
The temporary fencing will be installed, and work will commence on Wednesday 20/03/2013. All members are urged to acquire a white card so that we can all assist on this project. The Redland Council is assisting the financial members of AHMS to acquire this card so all members that want to assist in the renovations can do so. Our main objective is to complete the “priority” list as quickly as possible, so we can occupy the building as a Men’s Shed.
The Alex Hills Men's Shed team have been working hard on
refurbishing their new Shed since it was handed over in
February 2013. As you can see from the slide show below,
they have been working hard to enable them to use this
area. Their aim is to have the building out of the
construction phase and utilising it as a meeting place by
June or July this year. This will only be possible with
the support of members and their freely given time over
the next few months. They should all be congratulated for
the work and time they have put into this project, because
without it this building would still be unusable.
15 February 2013 - We have been given a
permit to occupy the building as a construction site, to
do some much needed renovations and additions and to bring
the building up to the required building code standards.
Developments so far:
Our Engineers report has been completed by John House, and
submitted to Council. The Pest Doctor has put control
measures in place to eradicate the white ants. And now, we
have to get the building certified for what we want to use
it for. All our fund-raising efforts and a substantial
donation by the Redlands R.S.L. has enabled us to be able
to hire some temporary fencing for up to twelve months,
and pay for roof and floor repairs. The building is
classified a "construction site" until renovations bring
us up to the required building code standards. Keep
watching for further updates.
Building Plans
Since our last meeting and over the Christmas period the
Alexandra Hills Men's Shed commissioned a Building
certifier Mr Phil Parkes, Director of Building Code
Approval Group, to check the building and organise
certification. A
meeting with him, council members, President & Secretary
of AHMS was held on site at the shed. Mr Brett Davies
from Davies Drafting & Design was commissioned to draw
up plans of the existing building and add the necessary
alterations to fulfill regulatory requirements. This was
completed just after Christmas and these plans were
submitted to Council for approval. Waiting further
Well we finally have a home
Yes, the old Scout Hall at 38a Williams Street,
Birkdale is now officially the Alexandra Hills Men’s Shed.